Pink Booth Confessions is a dance-for-camera that relishes in what it means to be woman: whole, dark, broken, bent, drunk, bright, woke, silent, brash, slutty, strong, prude, wise, forever-changing and deeply committed to love. Through a pressurized “pink booth,” performers testify to their experiences as women, illuminating their secrets and discharging them simultaneously.

Find the soundtrack entitled "Death" by Millie Heckler streaming on most platforms

Photography and set design by Camillie Breslin 

Wardrobe engineer+creativeHMUA by PhaeMonae

Videography by Elias Hill 

Featuring performers Britt Ford, Millie Heckler and Schivona Johnson 

Music and production by Millie Heckler and Schivona Johnson

This project was supported in part by the Vermont Arts Council, the Vermont Community Foundation and the Austin Music Disaster Relief Fund.


subtle rage